So far we have been witnesses of many new trends that came our way: hair and hair coloring trends, makeup trends, skincare trends, and many more. And, there are many yet to come, I can feel it. But lately, the whole Instagram society has been talking about new eyebrow trend called Feather Brows. So, is the new brows trend yay or nay?!

Image credits: Rebekka Theenaart
Oh, Your Eyebrows Are Feather Shaped!
We have met some eyebrow trends so far, like coloring eyebrows, different shapes of eyebrows, etc. But, we couldn’t even imagine anything like this! It was really unexpected to see this trend coming up. It wasn’t seen before, that’s for sure! And, imagination is limitless, isn’t it? What will be the next trend?
As for this, feather brows trend, girls from the makeup world have been sharing their photos on Instagram, showing their perfectly shaped brows like feathers and it has become a big hit among the makeup artists, definitely! Is it just another crazy trend, we’ll see, time will show.
Although it started as s joke, it surely spread like a fire on the Internet and many girls shared their opinions with Stella Sironin, a makeup artist from Finland, who was the first girl who had her eyebrows shaped like feather. It’s interesting that she shared the photo of her eyebrows on Instagram as a joke. Soon after she did it, many makeup artists made their variations and versions of this trend, with some glitter or color added.

Image credits: Maighan
How did Stella get the idea? Well, under her photo, she explained that all credits go to her friend Leevi. He was the one who invented it.
If you want to try this trend on your own brows, here’s what you’ll need: clear brow gel (to make the shape of the feather easier) and a brow brush. That’s pretty much it.
Of course, as for all trends that come our way, some girls approve it, some don’t. Some are thrilled with it. Maybe this trend started as a joke, but some girls took it seriously and it might spread even more than it has so far.