Think about what your Sunday looks like.
Whether you’re a go-getter and on the move or laid-back and you go with the groove, Sunday may come with blues and an overwhelming amount of To-Dos. There’s a week ahead filled with inevitable responsibility – to school, careers, and relationships, to outfit choices based on weather, hairstyles and heathy lifestyles. With all of that on the horizon, what should Sunday really be dedicated to? The answer is simple: YOU.
Given, Sundays may bring brunch and social fuel or sleepy mornings and breakfast in bed. However, Sundays can be your day to revive yourself mentally, emotionally, and soulfully. I’m here to let all MultiCultiGirls know that Sunday is for YOU. Dedicate time to yourself and take care of your body and mind. Take a few minutes to reflect on your past week and move into the new week standing in your purpose, truly confident. Think about this: What is it that YOU want for the coming week?
You might ask “Where do I even begin?” Think of the Sunday To-Dos that you may overlook in the midst of writing papers, responding to emails, meal prepping, organizing your calendar, workouts and tending to family and friends. Do you have 2 seasons left on your favorite Netflix show? Did you want to try a new recipe you recently discovered? Are you nails in need of love? If you’re saying “Yes” to at least one of these, then the following Sunday To-Do list is yours for the taking. Your soul with thank you.
Sunday To-Do List
1. Pamper Your Body and Mind
Pampering is the art of indulging with attention, comfort, and kindness. It’s the ability to spoil yourself (as you deserve to) and take care of you. Soothe your skin with a face mask, soak in bubbles, and swoon over comfy clothing. Try out the latest bath bomb trend or kick back in a warm tub with your favorite birthday cake or lavender scented candles. Need some body and mind inspo?
Face Inspo
Body Inspo
Mind Inspo
2. Dress Up Your Nails
Sometimes our professional lives get the best of us or we don’t have time to primp to the fullest, but this Sunday dedicate time to taking care of yourself. Typically, you get through most of your day using your hands, so don’t they deserve some love? Treat yourself to a manicure or get creative and do your own nails. Try out something that isn’t your go to pink or everyday french manicure. Make your hands feel appreciated for all the hard work they do throughout the week. Need a new nail polish to show off this week?
Try Sally Hansen’s Fuzzy Coat over a base of white nail polish, or shine bright with Sally Hansen’s Lustre nail color that is sure to please.
3. Revive
Now, I challenge you to think about your daily shower routine. Do you find yourself spending more time thinking about everything you have to do after the shower rather than just having a moment of peace? Switch it up for once, then. Spend the 30 minutes in the shower singing loudly for all to hear! Spend the 30 minutes thinking about all the things you love about you! Spend the 30 minutes doing nothing, because in plan terms – that’s okay! Instead of grabbing the nearest bottle of lotion after your shower, pick out your favorite scent or treat yourself to body butter. Your skin protects you and cares for all that makes you, you. So, be kind to it and treat it with care. Need some inspiration for pampering your skin?
A Thousand Wishes Body Butter

CocoShea Coconut Whipped Body Butter
Eucalyptus Spearmint Body Butter
4. Your Turn to Decide
Now it’s up to YOU to decide what your day looks like. You have the power to prioritize yourself over anything. If your mind and body are not taken care of, you cannot fully stand in your full potential. You cannot save the world, rescue cats from trees, be a leader for our youth, take on the patriarchy, get that raise, stand up for women’s rights, change your tires, or be a homemaker if you are not taking care of you.
This Sunday, I challenge YOU to have a MultiCultiGirl Sunday. Throw on your favorite fuzzy socks, a pair of sweats, and don’t wear a bra if you don’t want to. Take a day and just breathe life back into you for the coming week, month, and year ahead. Reflect on what you want out of your professional life, your relationships, and even something as simple as dinner that night. Watch Netflix for hours, sit outside and soak up the sun, or even take a really long nap. Buy yourself flowers and eat chocolate if you want. Whatever it is that will make your Sunday all yours – DO IT.