There was a time when natural looking lips were a trend. But lately, that trend has changed a lot. Nowadays, it is so IN to have bigger and fuller lips. The good thing is that you don’t need expensive treatments, experiments or surgeries. We just happen to have some tricks and tips for you, and [...]

Spring is here. Dress, accordingly. Do you still have the Winter Blues? Does your closet have it, too? If you’re trying to crawl out of Winter mode and Spring into dresses, then MultiCultiGirl is here to help. Like any transition from one season to another, you may be feeling unmotivated and wondering whether or not [...]

What does your MultiCultiGirl street style look like? Street style across the globe holds a unique meaning for every MultiCultiGirl. For some, it encompasses effortless pieces paired with something that shines, while others use it as a representation of their most imaginative selves. For this girl, street style equals creativity, a dash of color, and [...]

Whether you celebrate the 14th of February with friends, loved ones, or yourself, you deserve to look and feel your best from your head to toes! For some February might be the best time of year. Red hearts filled with chocolate cover shelves and pink bows on teddy bears sell out nationwide. The school-aged kids [...]

Think about what your Sunday looks like. Whether you’re a go-getter and on the move or laid-back and you go with the groove, Sunday may come with blues and an overwhelming amount of To-Dos. There’s a week ahead filled with inevitable responsibility – to school, careers, and relationships, to outfit choices based on weather, hairstyles [...]

// Quintessential MultiCultiGirl Zendaya shares her top 5 Makeup Tips!

A pretty good year is behind us. There were lots laughter, joy, love, but also tears, bad ideas and things we’re going to remember. Since new, 2018, year began, it is time to sit down and think of all the good things, of all the things we’re not so proud of and all the things [...]

When I decided to write about this topic, I wondered if there actually is a best hair care routine. And I’m still not sure. I mean, we all start our hair care routines with washing hair, using shampoos, and using conditioners after. You surely know that, without conditioners, we couldn’t brush hair and it wouldn’t [...]

Well, dolls, summer holiday must have been really amazing, but it is time not to get back to school again. But, that doesn’t have to mean that you don’t need to look your best. Especially when it comes to your makeup look. So, here are some back to school makeup essentials every girls should have [...]

We have all been there, right? You go shopping and you see a lot of things you would like to buy, but you know that it would be too much, and you can’t afford it. So many things get your attention and you just must have them, even though you probably won’t wear them more [...]

Skin is the largest organ on our body. It protects us from many external influences like water, wind, and sun. Each cosmetic product you find good for improving your skin’s protection might do its work. But, you should know that there are also natural ways of boosting your skin protection. Wanna know more about it? [...]