A one stop shop for so many of your skincare needs Jojoba oil is EVERYTHING! Why isn’t everyone and their mothers talking about this? Despite what you may have heard, oil is actually good for you and your skin! I discovered Jojoba Oil after using Korres Wild Rose Advanced Brightening and Nourishing Face Oil, 1.01 [...]

Do you ever feel sick and tired of all the things you need to do? Of solving problems, doing daily tasks? Do you ever feel like you could use some time off of work or school? Does it ever come to you like you could use some lonely time, time for yourself? Well, you’ll be [...]

Makeup artist Hung Vanngo gives us the inside scoop on how to get that glow. Read more at wmagazine.com.

For the eyes, I literally pressed last 3 textured eyeshadow colors with my finger tips on my eyelids, a bit of kohl and mascara. Honestly, it was like a 2-minute eye makeup look. A glossy eye makeup look using the palette. Read more at makeupandbeauty.com.

Oh, girls, spring is here! My favorite season! Everything looks brighter, colorful and we are getting more optimistic! Do you feel your mood is changing? We all want to look better, prettier; we want to spend hours outside, drinking coffees, hanging out with friends, enjoying the sun. Enjoy the laziness. But, what about all the [...]

Most of us like to travel a lot. I know I do, for sure. But, when going on a holiday, do you always have your essentials with you? Do you know what you’ll need, what to pack? As girls, we always have a lot of things to take. But, no matter where you are [...]

Her plan suggests always picking one of each for both lunch and dinner, making sure each plate has protein and carbs. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend going cold turkey like I did. Lastly, sugar, processed food, junk food, fast food, white flour, artificial sweeteners, and soda are among the things Misty steers clear from. Read more at [...]

Let’s talk about jeans baby, let’s talk about you and me… Let’s talk about everything that’s wrong with jeans and why we sometimes hate them so much. If you haven’t had an issue finding the right pair of jeans, then you’re a liar! Gotcha! Liar, liar, pants on fire. Jeans are a staple in everyone’s [...]

Finally we know the secret of Priyanka Chopra’s flawless skin! Yes, the global icon who has been making a lot of international appearances has shared with the rest of the world her beauty secrets. The actress has shared 3 DIY beauty mask recipes online and thanks to this Vogue video, we could get our hands on [...]

It couldn’t be easier to avail yourself of the secret makeup tips and tricks that help the stars along their way to maximal glo-dom, whether they’re in the pages of the latest Vogue editorial or strutting their stuff on the red carpet. From the mom of four who’s an expert in pinup beauty to the [...]

Raise your hand if you can relate to the following statement about your overstuffed wardrobe: “Ugh, I have nothing to wear. Ugh, I can’t find my _________ and my _________ is wrinkly/has a stain/is too small/is too big/isn’t cool anymore/was never cool/is uncomfortable…” For those of you that raised your hands: WELCOME TO WARDROBE BOOT CAMP [...]