The holidays are over, and it’s time to get back to ordinary things that we have been doing before the holidays started. Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year – a lot of family and friends, delicious food and drinks, parties, etc. Your body is not used to this kind of treatment. Now it is time to detox your body after holiday feasts and to feel energized again.
How to: Detox Your Body
The first step to detoxing your body is start drinking more water. It is already well known that drinking water is good for our bodies. As it hydrates it, at also helps toxins to find their way out the organism. Some doctors, nutritionists or even fitness trainers recommend drinking 1.5 to 2 liters a day. If you think you are not able to drink that much water, the good practice is to always have a bottle of water with you, to remind you to take a sip every now and then.
Who likes drinking tea? I surely do! Green tea is my favorite. Why? Because helps my body detoxing. Green tea contains a lot of nutrients and antioxidants that powerfully affect human body. It helps in loosing fat, lowers the risk of having cancer, and it also helps brain functioning. These are just some of the reasons why you should drink it, but there are surely more. Do not exaggerate, one or two cups a day are enough to start your detoxing. If you don’t like the taste of the tea itself, you always drink it with some lemon juice and honey (no sugar, please!).
Another thing that will help you detoxing your body is eating more fruits and vegetables. Make vegetable or fruit salads for your meals, homemade lemonade or orange and grapefruit juices. Use honey to sweeten them. Instead of eating sweets, eat fruit!
More tips are there that can be useful and helpful in detoxing. Walk more! If you have a dog, let it be your companion! Go for a morning jog! Go to the gym! Whatever makes you sweat! Not only toxins will get out through sweating, but you will feel more energized to face the following day.
Many ways are there to do something good for your body after having a lot of lovely food and drinks through holidays, but it was pretty stressful for your whole organism. Do something good for it. Do something good for yourself, and you’ll love and appreciate you more.